Hello my loves!
and HAPPY (late...) THANKSGIVING!!! :)
Well this week started off with a russian class which in my eyes is never a good way to start off the monday, or any other day for that matter... My teacher is a complete and utterbitch sweetheart... And I have two of the biggest kiss ups in the grade (just my luck, right?) Well after that was over I had Phys Ed. And I have only four girls with me in the class but to my luck they are actually pretty cool; all we do is talk about boys and get hyper so were pretty innocent... But things have been pretty normal for the time being... My friends are still weird but of course I choose to hang out with them so there is still room for debate on that topic. But all jokes aside I love them:) But you know what? The closer it gets to December the more excited I am for Christmas! I can not wait to see the glow of colored christmas lights in the living room and all of the other ever so cheesy window decals. I think the reason why every one loves the holiday season is because it is all about being with the people who truly love you. Whether that be your family or friends, they will always love you for you... And being okay with yourself makes you happy and whole. And on a totally random note I have started a tumblr... I know, I know how mainstream could I possibly be? But I actually have a little obsession with it. I think the beach pictures are to die for! (All of the locations have been added to my 'must visit' list...). But to be honest tumblr has been a pretty good tool for me... Since this year is going to be my last in HORRID UNIFORMS! :D Yes ladies and gentlemen me and thousands of other people are enduring their last year of having to wear school appropriate attire of the worst kind... But I have to admit I lost a lot a little bit of my sense of style so I get to enjoy putting it back together this summer and tumblr has come to my aid on those "WHAT THE HELL DO I WEAR" days... Thank you Tumblr! And if you want to see mine in all of it's awkwardness here it is. Enjoy!
Love always!
- A. xx
and HAPPY (late...) THANKSGIVING!!! :)
Well this week started off with a russian class which in my eyes is never a good way to start off the monday, or any other day for that matter... My teacher is a complete and utter
Love always!
- A. xx